Est. 1952
LEGACY Center is open today!


Community Tennis Summer Camp, 2023

July 22, 2023

Each summer LEGACY hosts Community Tennis Summer Camp at sites across the city. This programming is provided at no or significantly reduced cost to families and includes seven weeks of top-notch tennis instruction, life skills and mentorship, reading, and reflective writing activities, and opportunities for tournament participation.

As of today, LEGACY has enrolled a total of 451 CTSC campers at 15 sites across the city.

Our OST Program also hosts their own Summer Program that includes tennis, enrichment, and a literacy component. OST enrollment combined with CTSC brings total LEGACY Community Summer enrollment to an impressive 720 kids!

If you’re feeling inspired by the great work LEGACY is doing in the community, please consider making a gift to ensure the continued success of programs like Community Tennis Summer Camp!

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